
There goes my emotion, let out by my spoken words
I watch it carry into the air and helplessly stare as it as reaches you
My words drift into your ear like a sound in the wind
and so I wait, watching your every move
your face expression changes and I prepare myself for any and every possible outcome
eyes widening, as I clench my fists with deep anticipation
until I'm finally able to see your words and thoughts painted on your face
they say actions speak louder than words
but these words I speak, are the greatest actions I've ever made
I entrusted these words to carry my emotions
and they have done so well
her mouth opens and I freeze
waiting for any kind of answer
but these words I speak fall on deaf ears
for these words I entrusted
were twisted with lies as they spewed out
and my honest emotion came out as a lie from the heart
for what I truly wished to say, was never heard
and she stared at me calmly
asking if I'm okay
for what i thought was spoken were just in my mind
and what I truly did ask for, was only the time.

Imma Be

I want to be rich beyond my wildest dreams.
I want the last thing I ever argue about with her to be about money.
I want to give her a bank account filled with so many zeros, that all she ever needs to worry about, is four little numbers.
I want to take her across the world, and show her things she never knew existed.
I want to learn Korean, and explain my life that she tried so hard to understand.
I want to go on TV, so that everyone will know how much I love her.
I want to join the military, so she can finally brag about how proud she is to all her friends.
I want to learn about her life and her story before I was born.
I want to donate to charity in her name, so she can be in the hearts of thousands.
I want a house no bigger than our own, so that she knows I was not corrupted by money.
I want to do all this before the age of 35.
Because the faster I get there, the longer I can show her.

Gift giving

Life is funny how it can change so abruptly. Or at least you may think it happened so fast. But in reality we don't see all the little gears working to acquire this sudden change. We can only see things from our point of view and therefore aren't able to fully comprehend how many small changes are needed to create this catalyst. Large changes such as death, career, and romance can happen in the blink of an eye. Your eye, however can only see what you personally go through. Its when you start to pay attention to everything around you that you soon come to realize that this is all a chain event in our lives. We'll hear small changes from other people and when paying close enough attention, you'll realize it is all connected. I believe in my heart for this to be true, however I cannot shake this fear that always arises during times of importance. Doubt slowly builds, accruing into my heart until it reaches my mind. Slowly doubting my abilities and my skills. Eventually leaving me in a state of vulnerable weakness. It allows fear to take over and soon I drown in a thought of unfortunate possibilities. I know I must be strong. I must be confident and I know God is by my side to guide me. To help me know that I'm not alone. God gave me this opportunity and I will do my best to prove that I am right for this job.

God gave me this opportunity because he knows I am capable. He is giving me a chance to show the world what I can do. The chance that I always wanted. He gave it to me. And now I will show this world how great I can be, one blog at a time.

God gives us all opportunities and chances. We should be grateful and act accordingly. We should do the best that we can. To remind ourselves that he gave us this chance because we asked for it. Because we feel in our heart that we deserve it. I deserve it.

It's his gift and we must not take it for granted. We must not spoil the gift with fear and insecurity. We must not ruin what he has provided us with doubt. We shall take it proudly and work hard. Because God does not put obstacles in our paths unless we knows that we can overcome them. And we will.

Thank you.

The Night Before

Recently I was scheduled to interview for an accountant position. However due to some unknown power in the universe, my interview turned into one for a blogging position. A blogger for an online website to attract traffic and viewers, something I've been desiring over for quite some time. I would envision myself working a job such as this in the past and now that I have it, I'm worried. This is the night before my first day at work. I've spent most, if not all, of my time over the weekend preparing for tomorrow. I've been casually researching and mapping out in my head how to write effectively tomorrow. However this little practice I played out in my head lead to unfortunate results. I wasn't able to create any writing in my head, let alone a single starting sentence. This caused a state of panic and gradually made my job to appear more and more difficult. I hope when I come back to write about my first day I won't be disappointed with myself. I pray that I'll be able to write proudly and confidently tomorrow and that this fear I have in my head was just my own insecurity taking over. Dear God give me the strength to be strong so that I may overcome my fear and write with passion and creativity. To show this world what I am capable of. I will not falter.

Happy Valentines Day

He inhales softly as the cool wind lingers through the air. Looking at the endless sky he loses himself and forgets about the stench surrounding the air for just a moment. She slightly tugs on his sleeve, "why are we here? It smells funny and it’s scary here".

He smiles gently and calmly reassures her, "because I’m going to make this place a moment you will never forget".
"Are you going to kill me?" she half jokingly asks.
He always did love her innocent humor. It was after all, what he loved about her.
"No, of course not. It’s something more".

She looks down on the broken concrete and stares at the white stripes painted across the pavement. There's an old abandoned building to the corner barely visible enough to make out. The parking lot they stood in was covered in debris of leaves and trash from the nearby trees and dumpsters spray painted by the neighborhood teenagers.
"But I don't see anything so special about this place, how long do we have to stay here?"
"Don’t worry", he said. "I know it feels strange standing here in the cold, but we're here for a reason and it'll all make sense. I just know it will" She catches a buried emotion hiding behind his words.
He brushes her bangs out of her face, moving away from his last comment. He picks up a tattered leaf lying next to his feet. The leaf had flakes of green and orange. Looking more like bits of grass, the leaf was in shambles with barely enough strength to stay intact by the stem.

"You see this tree leaf; it used to be so beautiful. People often overlook these simple beauties, but just because it’s not in its perfect shape anymore doesn't mean it is any less special. We have to remember to see the beauty in all things." he extends his right arm out and waves it out as if he was letting her pass.
"Look at everything around you, it used to be bright and populated. Cars would park here, gardeners would take care of the trees, and people would walk in and out of that building. But like everything in this world, it gets used and worn out."

She could only smile. It was his ideas that she loved, how he would always have something to express, something to share with her, despite how often it was just plain ole common sense. She wondered what his true purpose was for him to bring her out here. All the major holidays were distant and their 3rd year anniversary passed months ago. Was it another one of his wacky ideas to be spontaneous? She questioned his shaky behavior. He was pensive and a little too serious than she was used to. She wondered if he was going through a hard time.
"Your shoes are untied" she says to him, pointing at his shoes. "I’ll tie it for you".

She bends down and grabs the laces from the ground. Lifting up one lace and then the other, she remembers the "loop, swoop, and pull" technique her father used to teach her as a child. "Hey there's something in the ground" her eyes peer at the cracked pavement between his feet.
"I think someone dropped something!" she stares deeper into the crevice and grabs it.
She pulls out a ring and raises it like a trophy. "We should return this" she always was compassionate about others. She never wanted to hurt anybody and did her best to do the right thing.

"You’re right!" he says, "Something so valuable like a ring should not be used as another person’s jewelry." "I bet this ring was meant for something more and we should honor that". He grabs the ring from her hand "here, I'll make sure to give it to the owner and see that this ring goes to where it was intended."
He slowly reaches for her hand. The warmth of her skin felt like he was touching a part of her soul. He lifts her hand and places the ring on her finger. She looks at him with eyes brighter than the moon, glimmering like a set of diamonds on display.

"I love you” he says. “And I don't need to take you across the world just to say it. Because it doesn't matter where we are, we can be anywhere in the world, and it'll be just as special. And if you do feel like the luckiest girl in the whole wide world, standing in this cold deserted run down parking lot, then I know that you were meant for me.

That we belong together.

And that this ring is meant for you.