The Night Before

Recently I was scheduled to interview for an accountant position. However due to some unknown power in the universe, my interview turned into one for a blogging position. A blogger for an online website to attract traffic and viewers, something I've been desiring over for quite some time. I would envision myself working a job such as this in the past and now that I have it, I'm worried. This is the night before my first day at work. I've spent most, if not all, of my time over the weekend preparing for tomorrow. I've been casually researching and mapping out in my head how to write effectively tomorrow. However this little practice I played out in my head lead to unfortunate results. I wasn't able to create any writing in my head, let alone a single starting sentence. This caused a state of panic and gradually made my job to appear more and more difficult. I hope when I come back to write about my first day I won't be disappointed with myself. I pray that I'll be able to write proudly and confidently tomorrow and that this fear I have in my head was just my own insecurity taking over. Dear God give me the strength to be strong so that I may overcome my fear and write with passion and creativity. To show this world what I am capable of. I will not falter.

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