After months of distraction and procrastination I return back to my former state of desperation and anxiety. The desperation to find a job, and the anxiety that is my future. I'm 24 turning 25 this year. It would be impossible to ignore my future any longer. My life direction and success is built upon a foundation that we call youth. Like every child we follow a path. We go to school to get a degree. We get a degree to a job. And we get a job to start our own life. Watching many of my peers head in this direction while I stand idly by is depressing and all the more frustrating. Now I ask myself, "what is it that they do, that I do not?". How did so many of them get so far while I'm stuck like a graduate just out of high school? A college education would most likely be the cause of my lack of progression in life. Except not all of my friends took the standard route of college and still made it successful. So I ponder deeper to try to figure out what I'm missing from this bridge between here to there. How can I get over to that side of the grass? Perhaps its the mold that is my home keeping me still. So many years of comfort and security. How could I possibly break away from something I've been so accustomed to?
The only truth I know is today.
While tomorrow will be my step forward, whenever that day appears.
The only truth I know is today.
While tomorrow will be my step forward, whenever that day appears.